A community of care is the group of people who take part in caring for a dependent senior. It includes family and friends who get groceries, help pay bills, oversee medicine and medical procedures as well as paid resources such as personal support workers (PSW). It is generally the responsibility of one or two persons to coordinate across several parties to ensure the dependent senior’s care needs are met.
Role of alternate decision maker
In many places, it is the Power of Attorney (or Mandate in Quebec) who is responsible for ensuring the needs of a dependent senior are met. Powers of attorney have the legal right to make decisions for finances and personal care. Most of the care needs fall on that person.
It would be nice if all families were built on a spirit of support, sadly many family members are absent when they are needed the most. They live too far, they are too busy to take on more responsibility, or there is a family issue that prevents them from taking part. Getting as much help as possible from family and friends can greatly reduce the cost of care, as good care is expensive. SeniorSynCare can help with this. Click here to sign up.
Senior dependent needs and available resources to fill them
There are several tasks that some seniors can no longer do for themselves. Below is a list that highlights needs and who can offer the service (See Matrix). This list also shows the numerous roles that must be coordinated. SeniorSynCare can help with that.
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